Tag Archives: mother

making photographs

welcome to the newly revamped simply|moore blog!  I have tried blogging several times, and I just never follow through.  the thing is – I love writing!  so, this time, I am all in! I want this blog to be a place where I share my photography and my life.  you may learn more about me than you care to.  😉

I have always been making photos.  I love that phrase – making photographs.  it sounds so beautiful.  making portraits really is a beautiful thing – as long as I don’t have to be on the other side of the camera.

that’s sounds terrible, I know.  I am trying to be better.  I really am.  I realize that there are very few photos of me and my mom when I was a little girl.  there are tons of me and my sister, but few of us with our mom.  the two I have found are true treasures to me, and I wish there were more.  I want to be able to give my boys enough photos of us together so they never have that feeling.

for the past year, I have tried extra hard to make sure I am in photos with my boys, and my husband.  I will never be as thin as I would like, or as stylish as I hope, but my boys aren’t looking for that.  when I was little, my mom was the most beautiful person on earth.  I like to think my boys feel that way about me, no matter how I feel about myself.  of course, in all honesty, I absolutely photoshop every single photo of myself that I print or upload – a little “help” in the fitness and style departments never hurt anybody.  heehee

so here in my “hello” message, I am also encouraging all you beautiful women out there to not forget to make photographs of yourself.  you are beautiful, and you deserve to feel that way!  any photoshop after the portrait is made can be our little secret.

show kindness – wendy