i got to meet this sweet angel recently for her newborn photo session. she is just delicious! i fell in love the moment i saw her. when she arrived with her mama and daddy, her mom let me feed her. i was in baby heaven. once she finished her bottle, we headed out into the studio to begin photos. i had several sets planned for a sleeping baby, but alyvia was afraid she would miss the party, so she kept her eyes wide open.

we moved to plan b, and i started posing her in some nice awake poses. i do like to get a nice family shot with the baby awake, so alyvia was a perfect model for that.i thought after we got some family shots, alyvia would be exhausted…i was wrong. 🙂

it took us over an hour to get herto sleep. luckily, alyvia’s parents are way cool, so i had a fun time getting to really know them. her poor daddy was so sleepy that at one point we looked over and he was totally asleep in the chair. poor guy.
we finally got alyvia to close her eyes, and once she gave in to sleep, i was in “go mode.” we were able to get a bunch of gorgeous shots of her, and she slept right through it. success!
alyvia was so well-behaved that i convinced her parents to stay an extra hour so i could get more photos of her. i think starvation had set in for chris by the time i finished. we kept talking about what restaurant they were going to head to. (they talked about mexican food so much that i had to get some chips and salsa for myself that night too!)

it was a great photo session, and i am definitely looking forward to more with this family. i promise the next one won’t take as long! thanks for being so cooperative, chris and aveon, and of course, baby alyvia!!